Welcome to the 2021 Freston Single Topic Conference!
Over the past two decades, eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EGIDS) have emerged as a leading cause of esophageal, stomach and intestinal disorders in children and adults around the world. The 2021 James W. Freston Single Topic Conference: Eosinophils in Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathways and Crossroads is bringing together a multidisciplinary audience of physicians, researchers, advance practice providers, dietitians, allergists and patient advocacy groups to examine and discuss eosinophils.
The 2021 Freston Conference will illuminate clinical features and the natural history of EGIDs including aspects of its genetics, epithelial barrier dysfunction, remodeling, mast cell interactions and food allergies. Conference sessions will examine pathogenetic mechanisms and therapeutic targets as well. Finally, we will review the emerging role of eosinophils and mast cells in other GI disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), non-ulcer dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
CME and MOC Hours: 13.75
2021 Freston Conference Planning Committee
Tips for Promoting Your Participation at the James W. Freston Conference
Use the Official Hashtag: #Freston2021
Using the official hashtag is a best practice that helps attendees easily find our posts. Monitoring the hashtag on social media also allows you to discover what other attendees are up to and excited about leading up to and during the event. Lastly, it provides a window into the event for users unable to physically attend the event this year.
Additional complimentary hashtags include but are not limited to:
#EoE #eosinophils #EGE #achalasia #EGID
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Twitter: @AmerGastroAssn
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmerGastroAssn/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/amergastroassn/
In using social media at the conference please do not post unpublished slides from the speakers.