
Thomas Greuter MD

MD, University Hospital Lausanne - CHUV

Dr. Greuter is an adult gastroenterologist at the University Hospital Lausanne, Switzerland, with a broad background in internal medicine, gastroenterology and immunology. He received his training at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, where he completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in a GI basic science laboratory focusing on fibrosis mechanisms. Back in Switzerland, he specialized in luminal gastrointestinal diseases and endoscopy with a particular focus on eosinophilic esophagitis.

His clinical-translational research focuses on: 1) investigating EoE long-term management including novel treatment options; 2) exploring pathogenic mechanisms in the development and progression of EoE; and 3) characterizing a novel EoE-related disease entity called EoE-like inflammatory disease.

Dr. Greuter's research has been recognized and supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Novartis Foundation for Biomedical Research, the Swiss Society of Gastroenterology, the Swiss IBDnet Network, and the NIH-funded Consortium of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease Researchers (CEGIR).
