Dr. Theresa Pizarro is currently Professor of Pathology and Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She was trained as a basic immunologist, initially working in the field of cardiac transplant immunology at Loyola University Chicago, where she earned her Ph.D., and then as a mucosal immunologist, focused on both basic cytokine biology, as well as epithelial-immune cell interactions in the GI tract. Her career has spanned almost 30 years, first as a postdoc at the University of Southern California, and then as faculty at the University of Virginia and at CWRU, where much of her work has focused on the role of IL-1 family members in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Relevant to the 2021 Freston Single Topic Conference, her group was among the first to report the critical role of interleukin-33 in IBD. More recent studies from her lab showed, mechanistically, how eosinophils can serve as a bridge between inflammatory and carcinogenesis events. Dr. Pizarro has served on various AGA committees, review panels for the NIH, VA Merit, DOD, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, and the European Research Council. She currently sits as an appointed member of the NIH DHMI Study Section, and serves as Co-Chair for the Grants Council of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.